Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Love Story

Everyone has their own unique love story, and since today is our tenth wedding anniversary, I thought I would write a blog entry about ours!

One of my good friends in high school was Stacie Reed. We met at church, and really started hanging out together my junior and senior year of high school, which would have been 1992 - 1993. I knew Stacie had a brother, Brian, that was attending UT in Austin, but I hadn't met him before.

I graduated high school in 1993, and in the fall, moved to Austin to attend UT. The following year, in the fall of 1994, Stacie came to UT, and we roomed together in the dorm. I spoke to Brian a few times on the phone when he would call for Stacie, but that was the extent of our interaction.

The summer of 1995, everyone found themselves coming home for the summer. I would hang out with Stacie at her house, and Brian was there too. We started to talk more and became friends. On July 7, 1995, we had our first date. Yes, I remember the actual date! We went on a double date with Ryan & Stacie to see Apollo 13. We went out a lot that summer, and just hung out at Brian and Stacie's house too. At this point, Brian and I were "officially" dating.

In the fall of 1995, we all went back to UT for school. Stacie and I had found an apartment together, Ryan found one just a stone's throw away, and Brian found an apartment across the street. We were all together again! During that fall was when I really started to think that Brian and I would get married someday. I just knew he was "the one". Brian and I continued to date throughout the rest of our time at UT. Here's a picture we took on some bridge in Austin. I cannot remember where this is!

And here is a picture of us when we went to Colorado to go skiing during Spring Break 1998.
After graduating in 1997, Brian and I both moved back to the Dallas area, so we could find gainful employment. And in August of 1998, Brian proposed! And on April 24, 1999, we were married! Here is a picture of us on our wedding day. Look at those young kids! :)

I know our marriage has been truly blessed. I was lucky enough to marry my best friend, and the person I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. We endured some difficulties in starting a family, but now have two beautiful boys! Here is a picture of all of us at Easter this year.

Here is to a wonderful ten years, and another fifty or sixty more!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ethan's Surgery

After three ear infections over the course of two months, and a failed hearing exam at his four-year old checkup, Ethan was referred to a pediatric ENT. We went to see him, and they did a traditional hearing test, much more accurate than what they do at a regular pediatrician. He did show slight hearing loss due to the buildup of fluid in both ears. So, the ENT recommended that Ethan get tubes. At the same time, the doctor would look at his adenoids to see if they were inflamed or infected. If they were, then he would perform an adenoidectomy, as well as the tubes.

So, on Friday, April 3rd, Brian, Ethan, and I headed off to the pediatric surgical center, while my mom babysat Kaden. We checked in around 9:45 a.m., and as typical with anything medically-related, it was hurry up and wait. Here's a picture of Ethan playing in the outside waiting room, before they took us back to the patient area.

Once they took us back to the patient area, they got Ethan all set up with a DVD player, and whatever movie he wanted to watch. At that point we were waiting for the doctor, who was running a bit behind. Ethan didn't mind the waiting; below is a picture of him watching a movie.

After waiting probably an hour or so, the nurse finally came back to give Ethan his "silly juice". That is how they refer to the sedative that they give them so they are relaxed when going back to the operating room. Brian and I thought they were going to have to come back with a second dose, because after close to 30 minutes, Ethan was still his usual bouncing off the wall self. But it finally seemed to take effect, and they wheeled him off to the OR. Here is a picture of Ethan playing "patient". I think he might have started feeling the effects of the sedative at this point, as he was getting a little unsteady!

Brian and I were shown to the parent waiting room, and about 15 or 20 minutes later, the doctor came in to update us. The doctor scoped Ethan's adenoids, and they were not inflamed or infected, so he got to keep them! The eardrums were cut, drained, and tubes inserted with no problems. About five minutes later, we heard Ethan crying in the recovery area. They came to get us, and poor Ethan was so disoriented, he was just crying over nothing. The nurses were fantastic, and I sat with Ethan in a rocking chair and rocked him while he zonked out for a bit, letting the anesthesia wear off. Rocking a four year old is quite a feat! After about 45 minutes, Ethan was somewhat awake, and ready to go home. He slept most of the way home in the car, and when he did wake up, he would complain that he was very sleepy. But, in typical Ethan fashion, once we got home, he perked up and wouldn't take a nap!

Ethan's ears so far seem to be doing well. We had to do antibiotic eardrops twice a day for a week, so that was a challenge, to say the least! But once those were completed, everyone was much happier! We go back for a checkup in a few weeks, where they will do another hearing test. So here's hoping for a good report!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Illness Invades the Reed Household

It's been quite a roller coaster of illnesses in the Reed household in 2009!

Let's start with Ethan! Ethan caught his first cold of the year at the end of January, which then developed into an ear infection, so he got a round of antibiotics. Then in the early morning hours of February 18th (one day after his actual birthday), Ethan came downstairs barely able to breathe. It scared the wits out of me, and one phone call later, my parents were here, and my dad and I took Ethan to the ER while my mom stayed with Kaden at home. Ethan had come down with croup, and after a dose of oral steroids at the ER, we were sent on our way with a prescription for 3 days of oral steroids to take at home. So poor Ethan had a rough week getting over the croup, and unfortunately, probably didn't enjoy his 4th birthday party as much as he would have normally, since he was still quite tired.

A couple of weeks later, I took Ethan in for his four year old well-check. He had lots of fluid in his ears, but they were not infected at that point. However, he did fail his hearing screening, so we were referred to a children's ENT. And the poor kid had to endure four booster shots, which he did not enjoy!

A week later, Ethan was back in the pediatrician's office for another ear infection, and therefore, another round of antibiotics. In the meantime, I had made an appointment with the ENT, but it wasn't for a few weeks. And then, yep, you guessed it!, about two or three weeks later, we are back in the office for ANOTHER ear infection. That was on a Monday, and his ENT appointment was that same week, on Wednesday, so I was very glad I had that scheduled!

Ethan and I went to his ENT, and he had a great time doing the hearing test! He thought that was quite fun. But he did show minor hearing loss due to all the fluid in his ears. Met with the ENT, and he recommended Ethan getting tubes, since he had had fluid in his ears for three months now, and it was not going away. So, Ethan was scheduled for surgery that Friday. I will make a separate post later about his actual surgery.

Now, let's move on to Kaden! Kaden started off his year with his six month old well-check and shots. He was quite healthy at that point! Then, several days after Ethan came down with croup, Kaden started running a high fever. One trip to the pediatrician determined he had a double ear infection, his first ever. So, he was prescribed a round of antibiotics. After 3 days, the poor baby was still running a 103 fever, so I brought him back in, and his ears were no better. So, we had to switch to a different antibiotic. Thankfully that one seemed to do the trick. A few weeks later, we were back to our pediatrician's office (yes, they are making their house payments off of us this year!), and Kaden had another double ear infection. So, another round of antibiotics, which he just finished up about a week ago. Tomorrow we go in for his nine month well check, and I hope to hear that his ears look great and there is no fluid retention!

Kaden has also been teething like a madman, but unfortunately, none have popped through yet. He is getting four at once right now, and is not a happy camper. Which means Mommy is not a happy camper either!

And lastly, now onto me! I woke up early in the morning on Friday, March 13th (yes, Friday the 13th) with pain in my abdomen. I have had this happen twice before since having Kaden, a couple of months apart, so I didn't think too much of it, other than, here we go again. But it usually went away in a couple of hours. I always thought it was indigestion, gas, etc. But this time it didn't go away, and the pain got worse, and localized to my right side, and radiated to my back. By 1:00 in the afternoon, I was doubled over at the kitchen table while trying to feed the boys lunch! Thankfully Brian was home, so he took the kids to their pediatrician check-up (to see how all the ears were!), while I hightailed it to the doctor. Xray, CT scan, and a phone consult from a surgeon, and by 3:30 pm, I was on my way over to the surgeon's office with the information that my gall bladder was very enlarged, and that I probably had gallstones. Met with the surgeon, and he said I definitely needed to have surgery to have it removed.

The surgery is usually an outpatient day surgery, but since I was coming in on a Friday afternoon, it wasn't going to be so simple for me! The surgeon wanted to admit me to the hospital that evening because he said if I had a gallstone blocking my common bile duct (the information you learn when necessary!), then bacteria can collect there very quickly, causing an infection that can be very dangerous. So, I raced home, threw some stuff into a bag, tried to explain to Ethan where I was going, and raced back to the hospital to get admitted before the front desk closed. After I was admitted, Brian brought the boys up to the hospital, basically so Ethan could see where I was, and that I was okay. I had to have IV antibiotics that evening to prevent any infection.

I was scheduled for the laparoscopic surgery on Saturday around 9 am, however, being the weekend, I got bumped twice for emergency surgery cases. Finally, around 3 pm, it was my turn. They wheeled me down for surgery, gave me a sedative, I kissed Brian, and they wheeled me off to the OR. I don't remember more than 2 minutes in that OR, which is fine by me! Woke up from anesthesia, crying my eyes out, but not upset. It's very strange to basically have your eyes cry, but not feel sad or upset or anything! Wheeled me back to my room, and found out that the surgeon took out the gallbladder, and tried to flush out the gallstones, but that I had one stuck in the common bile duct that they couldn't get. So I was going to have to spend the night again, and have a gastroenterologist do a scope procedure the next day to get any remaining stones. So, another night in the hospital, another round of IV antibiotics, and more saline! Have I mentioned that at this point I haven't eaten since Thursday? Friday I was nauseous and didn't want to eat. Then once I was admitted to the hospital, I could only have clear liquids until midnight, and then nothing the day of surgery. After the surgery, again, it was only clear liquids until midnight, and then nothing the day of the scope. I actually wasn't hungry most of the time, but a drink might have been nice every once in a while!

So, Sunday rolls around, and they finally get around to doing my scope procedure at 4 pm. Again, more anesthesia, and again, waking up crying. This is apparently my typical reaction to anesthesia, as I know now! The gastroenterologist said he was able to remove the gallstones, but that I would need to spend ANOTHER night in the hospital. So, night number three! Ethan was not happy with me at that point, and was wondering when I was coming home! Poor boy! I got a nice dinner of liquids, and then it was bedtime. Have I mentioned that it is impossible to get a decent night's sleep in a hospital? I'm sure any of you reading this that have stayed in one understand!

Finally, my surgeon comes by Monday around lunchtime and tells me that I can go home. I finally walk in my front door around 4 pm, and am attacked by Ethan. But that hug was one of the best ones ever!

So, now I am gall bladder-free, no complications, and just received a good result from labwork this week. So hopefully, I will stay healthy! I have enought to deal with just with the boys!

I should definitely mention that my parents were my lifesavers that weekend, because they took care of the boys while Brian stayed at the hospital with me during the day(s)! And Ethan had a wonderful time playing with them, and having someone's attention all day long!
Here is a picture that Ethan and Papa had taken in a photo booth at Grapevine Mills mall. Too cute!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Ethan's 4th Birthday

I am so far behind due to illnesses and surgeries in our household, but that is all for another post later!

So, way back in February... Ethan turned 4! His actual birthday fell on a school day, so much to his delight, he got to wear a birthday crown, and Mommy brought cupcakes for all the kids to share. After he got home from school, we let him open his presents from us. Just what he was begging for... a "slotcardirtracetrack" (and yes, that is all one word). Here's a picture of Ethan wearing his crown and displaying his loot.

For Ethan's birthday party, he went back and forth about what type of birthday party he wanted, but in the end, a pirate theme won out. Now, I don't really go "all out" for these things, but just do the pirate invitations, thank yous, goody bags, and most importantly, the birthday cake!

This will probably be the last year I have the stamina to make and decorate his birthday cake. For birthdays one and two, I really enjoyed doing it. Then year three came, and I didn't enjoy it so much! This year, I really dreaded all the time it was going to take. But hey, three hours later, I think it looked pretty good!

This year I decided that I was not going to take a chance with the weather being bad, so we had his party at Boomerang's, one of those indoor bouncy house places. Which was a good thing, because it wound up being extremely cold and windy that day! Here's a picture of Kaden trying to get in on the bouncing action... maybe next year Kaden!

And here is the birthday boy! I can't believe my baby is four years old now!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So, I'm way behind on posting! We had some situations around the house that have kept me off of blogger. The first one was that our home computer crashed and burned, and tried to take the hard drive with it. Fortunately, we were able to get the data back from it, which was especially important to me, since ALL my digital pictures were on there, and stupid me hadn't backed them up. So, one new computer AND one new backup drive later, we are good to go there.

The rest of the absentee time will be chalked up to illnesses. Ethan's, Kaden's, and mine. Ethan came down with croup in February, and that necessitated a trip to the Emergency Room at 3 a.m., since he was having trouble breathing. I didn't want to mess around with that! Then Kaden came down with a cold, then a lingering fever, which, after a trip to the doctor, was determined to be a double ear infection, and wheezing lungs. So, two antibiotics and breathing treatments later, he's on the mend (I can only hope he stays that way!). Then I came down with what was most likely the same virus that caused Ethan's croup. I could barely speak for 3 or 4 days, and am still getting over the cough and hoarseness a week and a half later. So, fun times at our house!

But I will be posting more... in fact, I will hopefully post again later today about Ethan's birthday party!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Funny things a 3 year old can say...

1. Today Ethan and I were outside soaking up some sun and playing while Kaden took a nap. I sat down on our driveway, and Ethan decided to lay down in the shade next to me, and look up at the sky. He then told me, "I'd like to go to outer space later, but it might be scary because you have to go fast on a rocket ship. But I can't see outer space right now, because the sky is in the way." (By the way, anything that is not RIGHT NOW, is LATER...)

2. I have been dubbed Princess Mommy, but also, "Mr. Mommy...."

3. When asked by me if there is anything hard to do at school, Ethan said "eating lunch. Because sometimes things are hard and you have to crunch them. Like a banana." (Note: he doesn't even eat bananas, won't touch them, and since when have bananas been crunchy anyway?!?)

That's all I can think of right now, but I really should write these things down, because they happen at least once a day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kaden's Dedication

Today we had Kaden's church dedication. That is where we, as his parents, basically promise to bring him up in Christ and in His teachings. Our pastor took Kaden to pray for him, and he told us later that he was quite the hefty boy! He didn't need to tell us that! :)

Kaden was quite serious in taking in all these people that were looking at him! And Ethan did such a good job standing up there as well! He whispered to me "Mommy, this is my church!"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Computer genius?

Today I find Ethan sitting in front of our computer in the office. He was watching Veggie Tales using the Slingbox application on our computer. For those that don't know what a Slingbox is, in basic terms, it's something you hook up to your tv at home, and it is connected to your home computer. Then you can watch your tv via your laptop anywhere you can get online. We have this because when Brian is traveling overseas, in particular in Asia, there are usually two English channels, and they are all news, and usually repeat themselves after about 30 minutes. Yes, I have experienced this for myself! So there is that reason, and also so Brian can watch any college football game he wants to, even when he's traveling! :)

So, Brian was working in the garage, and when I asked him if he started that program for Ethan on the computer, he said no. So we came inside and asked Ethan about it, and he said "I did it myself." We did figure out that the last time Brian used the Slingbox, he had it on that same channel, so Ethan didn't change the channel, but he must've managed to double click on that icon to launch it, and then presto - Veggie Tales! Must be magic!

So, I don't know, computer genius? Or just a lucky click?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Ethan's first swimming lesson!

Today was Ethan's first swimming lesson. I wasn't sure how he would react to the water. He has been in a pool a few times, but always with Brian or I, and sometimes he has not wanted to get in. But he did really well today, and seemed to do everything the teacher asked him to do! He needs a lot of practice, of course, but he seemed to have a great time. Afterwards, he immediately asked when he was coming back, so I'm going to take that as a good sign!


Kaden's first food last week was pears. So, today he had his first taste of prunes! From the picture above, do you think he enjoyed them? :) Some may wonder why we didn't start with cereal, and instead introduced pears, then prunes. If you have to ask that, then you're not thinking hard enough! :)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

First Tooth!

Kaden officially got his first bottom tooth poking through yesterday! The second bottom tooth is right behind, I thought it would actually come through first. Let's just hope that all teeth are not this "traumatic" for Kaden to deal with!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Hmmm, Pears, Yummy!

So today was a milestone day for Kaden. He got to taste solid food for the first time! Well, as solid as pureed fruit can be! We started him off with pears at lunchtime today. He DIDN'T make a face when tasting it for the first time, he actually seemed to enjoy it a bit. Look out, food, here Kaden comes!