Thursday, March 12, 2009


So, I'm way behind on posting! We had some situations around the house that have kept me off of blogger. The first one was that our home computer crashed and burned, and tried to take the hard drive with it. Fortunately, we were able to get the data back from it, which was especially important to me, since ALL my digital pictures were on there, and stupid me hadn't backed them up. So, one new computer AND one new backup drive later, we are good to go there.

The rest of the absentee time will be chalked up to illnesses. Ethan's, Kaden's, and mine. Ethan came down with croup in February, and that necessitated a trip to the Emergency Room at 3 a.m., since he was having trouble breathing. I didn't want to mess around with that! Then Kaden came down with a cold, then a lingering fever, which, after a trip to the doctor, was determined to be a double ear infection, and wheezing lungs. So, two antibiotics and breathing treatments later, he's on the mend (I can only hope he stays that way!). Then I came down with what was most likely the same virus that caused Ethan's croup. I could barely speak for 3 or 4 days, and am still getting over the cough and hoarseness a week and a half later. So, fun times at our house!

But I will be posting more... in fact, I will hopefully post again later today about Ethan's birthday party!