Friday, November 14, 2008

Who is who?

Kaden turned four months old this week! How time flies by when there is a baby in the house! I have month by month picture frames for the first year, one for Ethan, and now one for Kaden. Which means that I have to remember to take a picture on (or around) the same day every month. This week's picture of Kaden got me thinking about Ethan's four month old picture. So, I decided to post them both here.

So can you tell who is who? And even if you can, there is no questioning that they are brothers!


The Walkers said...

Man! They do look alike.

Unknown said...

WOW!!!! they could be twins! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You better write names on the back of your picture prints! I knew they looked alike, but it's amazing to see side by side pictures at the same age.